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Posterupload / Mut zur Wut e.V.
Max. 3 posters per participant.
The chosen theme should have a
critical, social, political,
personal content
, all of which should be illustrated in a striking poster.
Posters may be uploaded from February 4th until end of May 1st 2025 below
Format: *.jpg with 150dpi, DIN A3 (29.7×42 cm),
Uploaded images may not be larger than 3 MB.
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Your Data
First name*
Valid first name is required.
Last name*
Valid last name is required.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter a password (8 to 24 chars)
Please enter your country.
Poster One*
Please enter a poster title.
Choose file
.jpg with 150dpi, DIN A3, max 3 MB.
Poster Two
Please enter a poster title.
Choose file
.jpg with 150dpi, DIN A3, max 3 MB.
Poster Three
Please enter a poster title.
Choose file
.jpg with 150dpi, DIN A3, max 3 MB.
The artist hereby grants the nonroyalty bearing transferable right to «Mut zur Wut» to use works indefinitely for global publication and unrestricted release. The artist hereby accepts this grant of rights. The rights granted under this agreement include the rights to exclusive use and to exploit the works, including without limitation, the right to copy the works for the purpose of representation in the context of exhibitions in public spaces as well as in galleries, museums and the right to make the works publicly accessible. Insofar as the artist’s work under this agreement gives rise to neighboring rights or other rights, the provisions under this agreement shall apply accordingly to those rights. The artist also acknowledges expressly that the publication, copying and distribution of the works from will be made in high qualities and might have a material public effect.
By submitting my e-mail address I provide my expressed agreement that Mut zur Wut e.V. will send me a newsletter regarding only the competition. I can revoke my agreement at any time by pressing the unsubscribe button.
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