Klaus Pinter


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Lilly Urbat


The poster is about the connection between education and democracy. A fair world is only possible if all people are responsible and capable of understanding and producing content matter. No one may be left out.


Julien Joliat


Love life, stop fanaticism.


Julien Joliat


„Love your neighbor“ seems to have another meaning


Mehdi Pourian


As a graphic designer the basis of my art-work is often world issues that bother me. Recession is one of these matters for which I designed my poster titled Capitalism. Colorful hats are metaphors of a Capitalist society which invisibly deceives its members and as a result, economic pressure is born. The culture industry produces the cultural commodity which is the sale of similar mass produced goods. This industry produces these products based on the human perception of life. The net result is anti-enlightenment or public manipulation to ensure and limit independent thought, thinking, and judgment. All this is achieved by the culture industry while making the masses believe that this is new and exactly what they’re looking for. The result forces the public to conform to the system and capitalism at large and prevents critical thinking.


Peter Brücker


Immanuel Kant, Voltaire, David Hasselhoff, Joachim Gauck, James Doakes, …


Fabiola Vera


Hunger is a social problem that exists throughout the world, physically and mentally.  Mankind not only needs money to live, you need it for food, to survive, to feed the soul of motivation and to succeed. You need food to protect your family from disease. Without food mankind has no sense to survive in this globalized world of the wealthy.


Michelle Flunger

Stop Female Genital Mutilation

The topic of my poster “Stop Female Genital Mutilation” is a much discussed theme in the human rights debate, nevertheless, most people do not know what exactly happens during the procedure and how cruel it actually is. This is what I tried to communicate with my motive, while displaying the shape of the female sex the poster gives brutal information in short and direct sentences. The font I used is called “Thorn” and has been designed by Hubert Jocham and is just the right font to emphasize the brutality of the procedure. FGM is, although it is a serious violation of the human rights, carried out in many regions, among them western countries (up to 500000 girls and women living in the European Union are affected or threatened by FGM). Just recently illegal procedures in South Africa (which is not even on the list of countries where FGM is practiced) have been discovered. After the terrible circumcision, these girls are branded with a mark on their thighs as evidence of having attended the procedure. We all need to raise awareness, Stop FGM Now!


Frank Ortmann


Truth is difficult where anyone is easily satisfied.


Moises Romero

Empty Ideas

Many African children (and non african) have chronic hunger. Situation that puts them at disadvantage and their life expectancy is very low. This terrible situation generates, among other undesirable consequences, the development of their life.


Johnny Xu


The background why I created it: The most of people in the world long for a peaceful and happy life without guns and blood. But to be the different Union there are different conflicts of interest, in this situation, some super nations arbitrary interfere others. For example the Iraq War 2007 and today’s Syrian War.


Elmer Sosa


Mother Earth does not belong to us, we belong to her, the damage we do, we do it to ourselves. Deforestation is one of the strongest damage and more difficult to solve. Do you want to continue deforesting? Are you sure?


Che Liang


1.  The Tibetan antelope is facing a massacre.
2. Shotguns are the embodiment of greed and ignorance.
3. No killing, no trading.


Antonio de Oliveira Netto

Death Blow

This poster reflects our neglect with the planet present situation, the unnecessary excessive pollution that we generate and the direction we are taking.


Barbara Stehle

Increase the peace

The message of “Increase the peace” is as easily described as the design I created to communicate it: a fat dove of peace.


Jiang Yinggui

What do we need?

What we need is the Statue of Liberty or the same God like Chairman Mao! What do we really need: Freedom? Democracy? Or a common culture of the world? I combined the Chinese and Western symbols to express the embarrassment of a reality show that brings all the confusion of the cultural differences.


Johannes Nathow

Buck the system!

Posters are made to transport certain information. Nowadays the free or politically motivated posters are decreasing. What we are left with are rejoicing advertisements and cheap ampaign slogans. My poster deals with this subject matter. Ambiguously arranged typography prompts to leave the everyday comfort zone behind and begin to challenge the information and pictures we are fed.


Maryam Khaleghi Yazdi

Virtual World

These days parents are very busy. They are tied up at their works. So they can’t pay enough attention to their children. Kids need to play and get attention, but who can give it to them? The tired and angry parents after a hard day? No. It doesn’t sounds good. So the only one who can play with them is their computer with its exiting games and web sites. But are all of the games and websites safe for the little children? Do the parents know anything about the virtual world, in which their children drown? If just one parent could image their kid in the virtual world as this little boy watching this poster is enough.


Lea Lippelt


Many of the things we wear are made by kids. Child labour is still an issue and can not be forgotten about. This what I want to draw attention to with my poster. Clothing sold in Germany may also be made by children. The dress I used is meant to show that no matter how beautiful an item may be, it might come from a place that is just the opposite.


Payam Abdolsamadi

Is Silvio Berlusconi gone?

Populists are increasing throughout the Europe from different parties. Their success is symptomatic of the weakness of European political parties and party systems.


Toshifumi Kawaguchi

Radioactive Milk

Nuclear disaster contaminates many food such as milk, mushrooms, fish, vegetables, meats, fruits, rice, tea and etc. Once it happens, it will make the nature continue to be contaminated because of long half-lives of radioactive materials (those of Sr-90 and Cs-137 are about 30 years). Unstable damaged Fukushima nuclear power plants still emit radioactive materials to the environment. I live in Tokyo, and like many other people I have had fears for invisible radiation since last year, which was often invoked when I thought what to eat. I have expressed in this poster what I have felt in this pessimistic daily life. Nuclear power is very destructive to both the nature and our lives.


Moises Romero

Education for all

We need to find solutions for making sure that no children are excluded from schooling, educative systems, poverty alleviation, human rights.


Victor Santos

Cannibal Economy

The motive: the periodical capitalist crisis dramatic shows, that for this profit economic system of the human being is disposable, the life of millions is a throwaway to “save” a tiny group of banks and companies.


Kleon Medugorac


In Darfur a civil war has cost 300.000 human lives and let 2,5 million people to flee the country since 2003. The government backed mounted militias “Dschandschawid” destroy villages, massacring and raping the population. Famine and draught further worsen the lives of the people. In the media everyday life we don´t hear much about Darfur. Many can´t even place the word. Because of this “Darfur” for me stands for the injustice in the world that we don´t know about or possibly don´t want to know about. It might be worth it to reflect on what is truly important in life and the world.


Si In Lo

Fair Treatment

The right to be treated fairly by people who are in all positions of authority, even any gender is needed to be respect.


Sebastian Iwohn


Don´t be careless – be careful!


Yuese Chen

Love me, set me free

Do not make meticulous care to be their cage.


Michael Allocca

Guns don´t kill people, hoodies do

The case of Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old black teenager recently killed in Florida by George Zimmerman (an armed neighborhood watch captain) and the related comments about the dress codes of an especially black and Latin American youth illustrates how the Conservative mind in the U.S.A. works. Guns can never be the problem, so something else must be the problem.


Rahul Nair


Every day we have to make many decisions of varying importance. Thanks to e-mail and social media, we are flooded with information and a multitude of more choices. So how can we make the best decision? Do we have the courage to commit ourselves to a decision? Or should we postpone, or even just ignore it? Perhaps with a self-justification that ‘maybe’ a better choice may present itself in the future? This solution seems simple enough for us but yields no added value to the people affected, or does it? For my part I can say that it even pisses me off major league. A ‘maybe’ in itself is not evil and often essential. But it has mutated into a state of mind and a justification towards inaction. Beyond a doubt, this is dangerous. So snap out of lethargy and indifference, make a stand for things that matter and start committing yourselves to your convictions.


Maryam Khaleghi Yazdi

Chernobyl’s Gifts

One of the most important question in the world that doesn’t have any answer is: How much does it cost to develop the world? Please see the costs at this poster and judge!
