Sebastian Schellenberger

Happy Holidays

Consciousness for climate change is constantly growing. But while we’re willing to make small changes in our everyday lives, there are still many areas that remain completely untouched in their immense carbon dioxide emission. Many people commute to work in order to save greenhouse gasses, but book a transatlantic flight for their hippie-holiday in Thailand. And while it’s the most poolutive way of travel, airtravel makes up only 2% of worldwide greenhouse gas emmision. We need to think bigger then buying bio.


Toan Vu-Huu

Limp Silence

Limp silence is a critique on the Vaticans silence on the child abuses in churches which were/are happening all over the world.


Łukasz Chmielewski

Mommy, look!

Our knowledge is strictly defined by our education. If it is poor or based on stereotypes or dogmas we see the world around in a very restricted and simple way. The less you know, the less you see. Simple relations, simple solutions, simple goals. Sometimes the poorness of the mind is taken as a childish attitude. On the other hand childish way of understanding, the clean and uncontaminated perspective can possibly reveal obviousness of our mistakes and ambiguity of reality.

This poster can be regarded as ecological at first glance. The observer is a child and was told that trees are big and grow outside…

Nevertheless my aim was to go beyond ecology and show that something is really wrong in a much wider context. The real question is: Is the world we live in really the one we want to leave our children? The proper heritage to pass on…


Bianca Consiglio

Sea Holiday

The poster represents the contradiction between the Mediterranean sea as a holiday destination for people living in well-being and the sea as a place of death for the refugees and the desperate who cross it in search of a better life. On the inflatable mat of a charming pink a white woman sunbathes with sunglasses indifferent to corpses on the seabed. In the same way the well-being of the first world floats on the exploitation of the poorest areas of the world.


Thomas Steiner


The poster is a critique of the present consumer society and its impact on the individual as an end user.


Vivien Staff

The Emptiness sickens me

Residential and commercial space has become a rare and expensive thing in cities. To achieve sustainable urban development one must properly handle resources, and this includes existing buildings. This is not a rational or social issue per say, but more a question of creating a space for fresh impulses. With the right amount of commitment, dedication and active involvement, we can create attractive new forms of utilization.

We must raise awareness of vacancy within the population of our cities, and this poster is designed to just that. The main message is aimed to make the issue up close and personal, by addressing us directly. The poster mourns the state of affairs, pressing us to change something about it.


Lea Boberschmidt

The Thawing

Our ice melts as fast as never before, mainly triggered by our massive Co2 output. Global warming has some serious consequences, such as the rapid melting of glaciers.

If we do not start to act environmentally conscious soon, our postponed problems will become existential fears in the future.


Anett Eszteró


The message of my poster titled Find (or Lelet in Hungarian) is that if humanity will not change in its attitude towards the environment, then the legacy that left on Earth will be only the accummulated heaps of garbage. Waste that takes ages to break down and the overuse of plastics are becoming more and more important topics, in my opinion. My poster is meant to bring attention to this problem.

I would like environmental pollution to become our history and for humankind to strive to eradicate even its memory for the future generations.


Mitja Schneehage

Straightening the circle

The symbol of the cycle is omnipresent on todays products and packagings. To the consumer this can be misleading, constantly suggesting the waste will be reused. This way of recycling often is just a disposal via detours. Wrongly disposed or problematic materials are burnt or exported, statistically counting as recycled. While the total amount of waste produced is going up, the real challenge of reducing waste is neglected.


Kathrin Scheller

Discount Carrier

Discount priced weekend or shopping trips via airplane have become part of life in Europe, but this is very bad for the climate. This hasn’t stopped us from flying more and more year after year. If the prices stay this low, the price we all must pay will be enormous.


Amélie Le Boëdec

Obese Germany

67% of men and 53% of women in Germany are overweight (RKI). Both an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise can be actively changed! The number of clinically obese patients has doubled over the course of five years. Where is this trend heading? McDonalds and the like are not changing course: they still use glossy advertising, sweepstakes and toys for the little ones, to market their product. Aside from toys you might also get diabetes, cancer and fatty liver, for no extra charge!


Peer Hempel


Right-wing populist parties in Europe have been gaining strength for years. Simple answers to complex questions turn them into stars of the modern age. This poster is an appeal: Don’t trust anyone blindly!


Jorge Chamorro

Same Old Story

The idea of the poster came out recently when the Native American tribe Sioux were protesting against the installation of an oil pipeline in their reservation Standing Rock in North Dakota. This protest became widely known, especially because of the violence the U.S. Government used with riot police and the army. This is only the origin of the idea, but the main thing is that times change (from the old times of the Conquest of the West to nowadays, from the “romantic” cowboy to the non-romantic at all riot police), but the oppression is always there, and it’s used always by the same oppressor. And we could extend this idea to every era, situation or geographic place.


Carilla Karahan

Dead Flowers

What is more important: a plant or a power plant?


Lazar Jeremic

No work and no future

Migration, unemployment & islamophobia: three of the current decade’s largest topics – especially in Europe. The poster, written from the perspective of a fictional Mohamed (the most common name in the world according to Wikipedia), highlights the bureaucratic and political difficulties of being a recently migrated foreigner seeking for employment: sitting in front of the typewriter, writing the same sentence over and over, slowly spiralling into madness and waiting for any future.


Laura Holst & Carolin Eberhardt

Technopolymarine Life

In 2050, 3x more plastic could swim in the sea than fish. There are already 6x more plastic in the water than plankton in many parts of the sea and many seabirds and marine mammals die from contact with plastic waste. A single plastic bottle takes 450 years to decompose in the sea, but it never dissolves completely, but splits only into small, barely visible plastic particles.

We need to rethink how we treat our environment. People should be made aware of this issue because it affects each of us!


Michał Matoszko

Bad Poster

A poster based on a motif taken from the classic pop album cover – Michael Jackson’s Bad. I was inspired by characteristic pose, the title of the record and the singer’s penetrating look. When I thought about the series of Bad Posters, it was the first, completely natural idea that came to my mind. Punk, anarchist use and transformation of an existing theme, taken from pop culture. I simplify motif, leave only black shape and mysterious look. I tried to create mysterious, slightly grotesque, dark image with high power, simplicity and use appearance of a cult and controversial vocalist.


Brid Hofmann

Multiple Choice

For week and months the back and forth of the farce that is Brexit, has dominated the news European landscape, blocking space that might have been better used for other issues. Politions all around seem little inclined to admit, that they have hit a wall. Many proposed solutions seem watered down and arbitrary, with one referendum chasing the next. It might be time to tear it down and start over!


Elias Riedmann


The political dialogue in Austria is on a very poor level these days.


Max Hathaway

HAL 2019

I’m afraid. I’m afraid, My mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I’m a… fraid.


Mycha Schekalla


The priest’s penis winds in treacherous christianity around its shelter. It covers criminals, blurres offenses and surpresses its pilgrimage victims. It preaches old concepts of misleading care and assured damnation in foul innocence. Free yourself from sin and bid welcome god’s seed, for that it thrives its roots in you.


Julia Schygulla


Women are still oppressed and disadvantaged by men in the most diverse areas of life. In the family, as well as in the public and the world of work, they are affected by social inequalities, which are caused, among other things, by traditional roles and gender prejudices. Women are underrepresented in leading positions and more often than men have a passive, reserved role in the background. They are taken less seriously and less perceived and encounter significant obstacles in the ascension within the hierarchy.


Kleon Medugorac

Shut the fuck up!

The vulgar face and ways of Donald Trump are so ugly to watch and experience, there must be some way to make him shut up. His politics and attitude are brainless and empty.
He is a puppet of big industry. The only face that might look as hollow as Trump is the face of a rubber-sex-doll.


Rebecca Metz


Life in cities has become a question of financial status over recent years. Rent and property prices have increased way faster than wages have. At the same time new spaces are only scarcely created. More and more people are struggling to find an adequate place to live and this fact is further creating social divide. This is a real problem of our times.


Mario Kupcevsky


There are so many problems in this world that need our attention and will to change. But we focus on a poor group of people fleeing violence and war, whilst our society is being dismantled by powerful interest groups and our environment is going down the drain for profit of the very same groups. We need to focus instead of listening to self-invested politicians and profit oriented media. We also tend to forget that everything is connected and all the issues can not be seen individually – but together. Most of the blurred words amongst others are direct causes for the refugees in focus.


Laurent Schmit

A Trap into Nature

The plot of the poster is the pollution, more specifically, the car exhaust. The unique ambiguity of the (german) title leaves no doubt who the « bad guy » is.


Leonie Henze

Oh Happy Holidays

Digitalisation has changed our lives – and the way we communicate with each other. In some moments, it seems as if our mobile phones are making life really difficult for us. Then it’s just a matter of: heads up and smartphones down.


Laura Markert

Size matters – mind the gap!

The fact, that in Germany women compared to men are still paid 21 percent less is unbelievable and totally not appropriate nowadays. I really asked myself how being a „man” (ergo someone having a penis – definition is also out-of-date by the way) brings that somebody to earn and deserve more?

Size obviously matters!


Lorenz Grohmann

Rural Exodus

Most major german cities are bursting at the seams, the rents go into the absurd, many residents suffer from the narrows and often flee into nature. Meanwhile, rural areas slowly but surely are orphaned: abandoned villages, old people and lack of prospects determine the picture. Young, motivated residents flee to the cities – a vicious circle.


Christina Hermainski

Time For A Cahnge

National and international turmoil has divided our political landscape and given way to right-wing parties. We must band together to create positive change!
