Benjamin Kivkoski
Hass erzeugt Hass
Ein Zitat von Paul Ernst scheint mir ganz passend für mein Plakatmotiv zu sein. “Hass erzeugt Hass, aber nie will der Hass sich nach dieser Wahrheit richten. Wie man selbst seinen Mitmenschen begegnet, so begegnen diese einem selbst. Das ist die zentrale Aussage des Plakats.

David Jimenez
Mut zur What
The first time I heard about the competition, I thought »Courage for what?« because I did not understand what it was about. Later when I read the details, I understood the significance of these 3 words. Sometimes we have the courage, burning inside, but we are not sure how to use that rage, we don‘t have a suitable way to express it and tend to do what the masses do. idea how cruel his short existence will be, before it ends at a fast food restaurant.

Moises Romero
Education for all
We need to find solutions for making sure that no children are excluded from schooling, educative systems, poverty alleviation, human rights.

Erendida Mancilla
The Scream H2O
The theme of the poster is water as the most important natural resource and the basis for all life. It is a wake-up call about pollution and abuse in the use and consumption of this natural resource. If we do not take care of the water and continue the current trend this natural resource will have been consumed or will be so polluted that it will become practically useless. It is a scream for help.

Victor Santos
Cannibal Economy
The motive: the periodical capitalist crisis dramatic shows, that for this profit economic system of the human being is disposable, the life of millions is a throwaway to “save” a tiny group of banks and companies.

Barbara Grobe
Ai WeiWhy
Ai Weiwei ist nicht nur ein kritischer Künstler, sondern in erster Linie ein Mensch. Wie kann es sein, dass ein Mensch ohne Anklage von einem Tag auf den Anderen von seiner Regierung verhaftet bzw. entführt wird? Warum erfahren wir nichts über seinen Aufenthaltsort? Warum werden fadenscheinige Gründe für seine Verhaftung angeführt? Mit meiner Arbeit möchte ich auf Willkür und Zensur gegenüber kritischen Menschen in China aufmerksam machen.

Timo Meyer
If it bleeds, it leads
Action und Panik haben sich im Nachrichtengeschäft schon immer am besten verkauft, ganz nach dem Motto “If it bleeds, it leads”. Was mich enorm stört, ist dabei jedoch die immer aktivere Rolle der Nachrichtensender, die sich längst nicht mehr auf die reine Berichterstattung beschränken. Statt nur zu beobachten, betätigen sie oftmals sozusagen selbst den Abzug – ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste.

Laura Holst & Carolin Eberhardt
Technopolymarine Life
In 2050, 3x more plastic could swim in the sea than fish. There are already 6x more plastic in the water than plankton in many parts of the sea and many seabirds and marine mammals die from contact with plastic waste. A single plastic bottle takes 450 years to decompose in the sea, but it never dissolves completely, but splits only into small, barely visible plastic particles.
We need to rethink how we treat our environment. People should be made aware of this issue because it affects each of us!

Edyta Kurc
Golden Boy
Basic salary, tray, baptisms, weddings, funerals and carols – those are sources of priests earnings. But according to what they say, they earn as much as doctors and pay ten times lower taxes. That sound pretty good. Divine life!

Déborah Mayer
Future Vision
Ritalin is »the« trendy medication of our time, which is being prescribed way too often, in my opinion to active children in order to adjust them to common standard. In my poster, a future is shown in hyperrealistic style, where Ritalin is used as a basic ingredient in children’s nutrition products, such as the well known Swiss ice cream brand »Rakete« from Frisco (Nestlé).

Damla Polat
Plastic Ocean
Global disaster made by mankind.

Leander Eisenmann
So true…!
Donald Trump is incessantly scattering messages around the globe – only a small part of which are true.
Caution is advised here, as lies are greedy and love to devour those who feed them.

Moises Romero
Empty Ideas
Many African children (and non african) have chronic hunger. Situation that puts them at disadvantage and their life expectancy is very low. This terrible situation generates, among other undesirable consequences, the development of their life.

Grit Fiedler
Das sinkende Schiff.
Es scheint ein finanzieller Tsunami durch Europa zu brausen. Indem wir die anderen retten, versuchen wir uns selbst zu retten, um in einem aussichtslosen Versuch der Schulden Herr zu werden.

Jianping He
Kein Mensch

Truely He
Transgenetic Wheat
Has genetically modified food already shown up in your daily life? Are you enjoying horrible genetically modified food right now?
I do not believe that genetically modified technology can be perfect. Many examples are proving that our health is being threatened by the variations of plants’ DNA. Therefore, let’s pay close attention to the GM food around the world.

Luís Veiga
Trump represents all kind of extremism. This is beyond politics. This is about basic human decency. Integrity, loyalty, honesty. Trump has misrepresented and attacked the poor, Latinos, African-Americans, Asians, immigrants and other minorities. He has openly mocked the disabled. He has called women “fat pigs”, “dogs”, “slobs” and “disgusting animals”. He’s praised for “telling it like it is,” except that Trump rarely says anything rooted in actual truth.
This is very serious: the most powerful country on earth has a fascist to run for president and about to be nominated as Republican candidate and perhaps President of the United States of America.
My poster is a satire of “kkk” using the “dunce cap” and the internet slang “kkkkk” for a big laughing.

Marek Slipek
In the Sight – Anti-Semitism in Germany
Anti-Semitic incidents are flaring up again at an alarming rate in Germany.
Jews have been the target of hatred and incitement, not only since Halle – acts of violence, insults or incitement of the people. Jewish citizens are rightly concerned. Together we must take action against emerging anti-Semitism and raise awareness and consciousness in society.

Onur Askin
UN climate change
The UN Has Lost All Credibility. United Nations climate summit turned to war of the poor and the rich. Discrimination was made for interests of the rich at the summits.

Elisabeth Articus
Egg steals Data
Data theft on the Internet.

Zhongjun Yin
Pray for peace
“War and peace” is an eternal issue facing mankind in the past, present and future. At present, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to intensify, and the potential “nuclear crisis” under the confrontation and arms race between major powers is touching Pandora’s box, and the alarm bell has already sounded. “Peace” requires the common wisdom of mankind…

Fabian Krauss
72 virgins
Brainwashed, blinded and fueled by tantalizing promises, everyone could become a controllable and faceless extremist.

Mado Klümper
The character of Pinocchio, known for lying and making up stories, projected onto the Russian president Vladimir Putin.
A personality, who manages to betray the whole world. One significant example is the current crisis in the Ukraine.
A deceitful and seemingly cooperative attitude can sometimes be more violent than visible open brutality.

Stefan Aebi
The Swiss popular initiative “Against mass immigration”, launched by the national conservative swiss peoples party, was accepted by a majority of the electorate (50,3%). It aims to limit immigration through quotas. This not only causes a loss of image, but threatens the bilateral treaties between the European Union and Switzerland. It’s a shame.

Alexander Govoni
Killed by Police
In 2014, black male teenagers between15-19, were killed nine times more by law enforcement officers in the U.S. than white males in that age range.

David Jimenez
Hasta la Visa Baby
Sometimes our dreams are terminated, just like that, because we don’t have that requirement called VISA.

Markus Stumpf
How did you find this poster?
A poster, on a wall, in a city somewhere. A JPG, embedded on a website, somewhere online. A chance encounter – or predestined by the mathematic codes that create our personalized worlds on facebook, google and so forth?

Dominik Schumacher
The bloated
To grin and bear it.

Benjamin Kunz
Our relationship with 4th nature
The focus of my poster is beauty and how we deal with wild, urban nature, which flourishes in locations that are heavily influenced by humans (wasteland, old industrial areas). This so-called 4th nature does not fit into our classic concept of beauty due to its rampant and unadorned aesthetics and is often not given much attention. Nonetheless its heterogeneity enables one great biodiversity in urban areas and creates the opportunity to experience wild nature close to city-centers. However, these areas mostly only exist temporarily, as they fall victim to new construction projects in the course of urbanization and densification.

Designbüro Frankfurt
Groceries in Germany are too cheap (especially compared to other countries), still too many people complain about the prizes.
– Say nein! to ja!