Julia Dettki

Clean-Cut Case Racism

Complexions are just colour fields, why would you get irritated by them? Why would you even segregate them or be hostile to them? Who decides from which colour field someone belongs to the good ones or the bad ones?
It is necessary to stop the segregation and bring those colours back together.


Niklaus Troxler

Tax evasion to Switzerland

In the last few years the issue of „ tax evasion“ became a central topic in German media. On my poster text 2 letters are missing: CH – the abbreviation for Switzerland.


Sophia Pantev


Facebook wird immer mehr zu einem festen Bestandteil alltäglicher Kommunikation, doch wird dieses soziale Netzwerk oft eher unreflektiert genutzt. Neben anderen negativen Aspekten fiel mir vor allem die dortige Definition und der Umgang mit dem Wort »friend«, also »Freund« auf. Funktioniert Facebook nicht unter anderem, wie der Name schon sagt, als »Gesicht(sammel)buch«? Wie viele Menschen in seiner Freundesliste kennt man wirklich?


Minghao Zong

The Light

Light, symbolizing life, happiness, hope, justice and sacredness, conveys the most glorious and spectacular impression to mankind. While it has a guiding role, it can also cause the instinctive excitement and joy of all things of life. But we are at home with mobile phones in our hands, so where is the hope of mankind now? Where does this light lead us? Maybe in the next generation.


Zhang Yong

Women’s rights violation

Women have less legal rights so they become more often victims of violence. In many countries, in many areas there are no clear laws or regulations to punish domestic violence, although it is a common problem. Domestic violence is generally regarded as a private matter not to be accepted by national jurisdictions.


Yves Haltner

World Champion

The soccer World Cup ist becoming increasingly tainted by all the scandals, leaving the real celebration in the shadows. The champion are tose with wealth, who play with the world – not the ball.


Marie Czeiler

Double Standard

Breasts don’t care if they belong to a woman or a man. In spite of this they are omnipresent in the sexualization of the female body. Even in the year 2017 it has not yet become common knowledge that all people have the right to self-determination and independence. And this applies to women and their breasts just as well. Equality means women have the right to make decisions over their own bodies. Feminism means women can choose – to show their breasts, or not.


Monika Aichele

Me and all the things I love

We create our own world.
Our little universe.
A world of self-centered individualists.


Niklaus Troxler

You are unique!

Many Internet, Facebook and Twitter users are reckless and irresponsible with their personal data. The consequences are often devastating.


Klara Forner

(K)ein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen. *

It is so comfortable to be dependent. Laziness and cowardice let people follow others’ opinions and aims. Governments or companies can use us for their benefits. The more we keep silent, the more others raise their voices. It is so uncomfortable to have an own opinion. The shame is liberated; the thoughts are covered by leaves: The poster shows the change of censorship in our society.

*»Kein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen«(literally: Not putting a leaf in front of your mouth.) means to speak out liberate, directly and shameless.


Michael Reichen

Vicious circle

Being stuck in a fundamental inerrant religious pattern and therefore feeling infallible and unmistakable, prone to evading one’s responsibility.


Barbara Stehle

Increase the peace

The message of “Increase the peace” is as easily described as the design I created to communicate it: a fat dove of peace.


Timo Meyer

If it bleeds, it leads

Action und Panik haben sich im Nachrichtengeschäft schon immer am besten verkauft, ganz nach dem Motto “If it bleeds, it leads”. Was mich enorm stört, ist dabei jedoch die immer aktivere Rolle der Nachrichtensender, die sich längst nicht mehr auf die reine Berichterstattung beschränken. Statt nur zu beobachten, betätigen sie oftmals sozusagen selbst den Abzug – ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste.


Verena Mack

Human Parasite

The poster announces the annihilation of the world caused by humans. The poster humorously references Posters of classic Monster Films. Because the scariest Monster of them all is not the next Godzilla but the human. In our time of the Anthropocene, he chews his way through the world while drooling all over the place. The legs and arms of the parasite wrap greedily around the world while it slowly melts. Shortage of resources, climate change and species extinction have become common problems, which require more radical actions. Because the end of the world will not happen dramatically like in a disaster movie, but slowly with every day the world is exploited by humans to the point of maximum profit.


Payam Abdolsamadi

Is Silvio Berlusconi gone?

Populists are increasing throughout the Europe from different parties. Their success is symptomatic of the weakness of European political parties and party systems.


Nina Hanzelic


Let’s face it: between part-time, care work and housework, mothers actually work full-time. No one cares if they have the tools, the time or a team to support them. Even the day off is used to finally organize medical appointments, buy a birthday present for the kids’ party on Saturday, look for bigger shoes, put away the clean laundry pile and get a new sunscreen.

Actually, mommy is just an acronym for do. Unnoticed and unpaid, of course.


Rahul Nair


Every day we have to make many decisions of varying importance. Thanks to e-mail and social media, we are flooded with information and a multitude of more choices. So how can we make the best decision? Do we have the courage to commit ourselves to a decision? Or should we postpone, or even just ignore it? Perhaps with a self-justification that ‘maybe’ a better choice may present itself in the future? This solution seems simple enough for us but yields no added value to the people affected, or does it? For my part I can say that it even pisses me off major league. A ‘maybe’ in itself is not evil and often essential. But it has mutated into a state of mind and a justification towards inaction. Beyond a doubt, this is dangerous. So snap out of lethargy and indifference, make a stand for things that matter and start committing yourselves to your convictions.


Mado Klümper 

On the other Side

Trying to reach the other side of the Mediterranean Sea, hoping to find a better life, refugees often pay a high price; their own lives. They might reach another side, but a side, which does not have landing shores.


Klaus Pinter


No comment


Lara Dähne

Wanderer above the Missiles

A seemingly idyllic landscape painting turns out to be a destructive nuclear weapon test by the youngest dictator in the world. The North Koreans are constantly launching new nuclear and missile tests. One wonders when the nuclear arms race will finally come to an end.



Steffen Bergemann

Fair play – FUCK OFF

Die Idee für mein Plakat entstand während der Präsidentschaftskandidatur Sepp Blatters für eine vierte Amtszeit als FIFA-Präsident.

Die FIFA stellt sich gerne als völkerverbindender, die Kulturen einender, Global Player dar. Was hinter verschlossenen Türen geschieht, hat allerdings nichts mit einem weltoffenen Unternehmen zu tun. Skurrile Entscheidungen werden von einem erlesenen Kreis von Funktionären getroffen: Die WM-Vergabe an Katar oder der Bau riesiger Stadien ohne nachhaltigen Nutzen für die Bevölkerung Südafrikas sind Beispiele dafür. Hier scheint es nur um das schnelle Geschäft und um maximalen Profit zu gehen. Die Korruptionsvorwürfe wollen nicht verstummen. Doch Kritik wird nicht geduldet, das System um jeden Preis erhalten.

Die Idee des globalen FAIR PLAY wird zum leeren Marketingversprechen. FUCK OFF ist meine Antwort darauf. Sie steht gleichzeitig für die Haltung der FIFA ihrem eigenem Claim gegenüber: Blatter hat ihn zu einer zynischen Worthülse degradiert.


Florian Anhorn

Mach was dich kaputt macht

How normal is the norm, and since when? Being sure of something and completely ignoring the fact seems to have become an everyday thing in these time.



Christophe Gaudard

I’m watching you

Mickey spies children without parental consent The Walt Disney company has been fined to pay 3 millions dollars after that the Federal Trade Commission discovered that the Walt Disney company collected illegally informations about children registered on a children Disney website. About 1 million of children are concerned. This informations were used and published by an another Walt Disney online games website. For the americans laws, a website needs the parental consent if it want to collect, use or publish them. The FTC was very strong on this subject, telling that this kind of infractions are very serious and severely punished.

The poster shows an another unknown face of Walt Disney. Mickey is black, dirty, frightening with this big dripping sentence written on it, taken from the fiction “1984″ written by Georges Orwell telling the story of a supervised, secured and undercontrol society. This poster speaks about an another aspect of the “wonderful world of Walt Disney”!


Miangliang Li


In many Islamic countries women rights are suppressed, there are too many rules and they have to dress in overall burkas that look like restraining cages, exposing only eyes that resemble a small prison window revealing a trace of light. This appeal is intended to loosen the restrictions on women.


Manuel Gensheimer

Reality reminder

This poster is a quick reminder in the name of reality.
Lift your head and cross the thin line between screen life and real life. You won’t regret it.


Finn Reimer

We are the people

This poster depicts a political slogan chanted in the Monday demonstrations in 1989/1990, as a protest against the GDR government.

Nowadays the masses have found the internet to voice protest and express their opinion. Anytime and immediately on can exert influence through online petitions, in comment sections or by hitting like buttons. The poster shows this shift in our culture of demonstration by a swarm of mouse pointers and thereby shows how a large number of individual elements can shape the public understanding.


Christain Koerbel

Reality check

Faster! When do we finally arrive?


Jie-Fei Yang


This poster is commenting on the adverse consequences of overfishing and overhunting for human gratification, which often results in the critical endangerment of certain species and puts biodiversity in grave danger.


Luís Veiga


Trump represents all kind of extremism. This is beyond politics. This is about basic human decency. Integrity, loyalty, honesty. Trump has misrepresented and attacked the poor, Latinos, African-Americans, Asians, immigrants and other minorities. He has openly mocked the disabled. He has called women “fat pigs”, “dogs”, “slobs” and “disgusting animals”. He’s praised for “telling it like it is,” except that Trump rarely says anything rooted in actual truth.

This is very serious: the most powerful country on earth has a fascist to run for president and about to be nominated as Republican candidate and perhaps President of the United States of America.
My poster is a satire of “kkk” using the “dunce cap” and the internet slang “kkkkk” for a big laughing.


Laura Lauber

Leave the Everyday Behind

In this absurd and strange situation worlds collide. On the one hand you see tourists, looking for pleasure and relaxation and on the other hand refugees, risking their lives to escape war, persecution and distress. A scene where suffering of the „aliens“ cannot be ignored. The question is, however, why a legal and secure entry is not allowed to such people seeking protection.
