Niklaus Troxler
You are unique!
Many Internet, Facebook and Twitter users are reckless and irresponsible with their personal data. The consequences are often devastating.
Barbara Grobe
Ai WeiWhy
Ai Weiwei ist nicht nur ein kritischer Künstler, sondern in erster Linie ein Mensch. Wie kann es sein, dass ein Mensch ohne Anklage von einem Tag auf den Anderen von seiner Regierung verhaftet bzw. entführt wird? Warum erfahren wir nichts über seinen Aufenthaltsort? Warum werden fadenscheinige Gründe für seine Verhaftung angeführt? Mit meiner Arbeit möchte ich auf Willkür und Zensur gegenüber kritischen Menschen in China aufmerksam machen.
Martin Wundsam
Unter Verwendung eines heute doppeldeutig klingenden Meisner-Zitates aus den jährlichen Soldatengottesdiensten im Kölner Dom wird die Sakralisierung des modernen Kriegsapparates und zugleich die sexualisierte Gewalt in der Kirche ins Bild gesetzt. Erst ein genauer Blick – etwa auf den Verlauf der Soutanenknöpfe – erschließt die Abgründe der Bildmitte. Der priesterliche Amtsträger selbst ist gesichtslos, auf dem Hintergrund der liturgischen Farbe der Bußzeit dominiert ein Schwarz ohne Zukunft.
Mohammad Mehdi
In the world every day many women are harassed and sexually abused, but they are silent for improper judgments.
Elias Riedmann
Since the landroute across Balkans is closed dying in the Mediterranean Sea continues.
Dennis Fechner
Poster to increase the voter participation
The main element of the poster is a gradient which uses all the main political parties colors. These are Patres which have already been part of the German government, and have a good chance of becoming pat of it again. Above the gradient stands „Wähl:“, which means “vote:”. The way the colors fade into each other is meant to symbolize the overlapping political ideals of each party.
Peter Brücker
Immanuel Kant, Voltaire, David Hasselhoff, Joachim Gauck, James Doakes, …
Elina Pyrohova
Flourishing of social media has led to the global shift in how we perceive privacy. Being normalized in everyday life, constant violations of confidentiality make us wonder where is the boundary which separates private from public. In this whirlpool of doubt and caution, everywhere and all the time we feel persistent presence of someone else. Someone who is watching.
Anett Eszteró
The message of my poster titled Find (or Lelet in Hungarian) is that if humanity will not change in its attitude towards the environment, then the legacy that left on Earth will be only the accummulated heaps of garbage. Waste that takes ages to break down and the overuse of plastics are becoming more and more important topics, in my opinion. My poster is meant to bring attention to this problem.
I would like environmental pollution to become our history and for humankind to strive to eradicate even its memory for the future generations.
Minghao Zong
The Light
Light, symbolizing life, happiness, hope, justice and sacredness, conveys the most glorious and spectacular impression to mankind. While it has a guiding role, it can also cause the instinctive excitement and joy of all things of life. But we are at home with mobile phones in our hands, so where is the hope of mankind now? Where does this light lead us? Maybe in the next generation.
Tomaso Marcolla
Freedom of Expression
Each individual has the right of freedom of speech and expression. The freedom of information is the most important threat for antidemocratic regimes; hence, attacks against the freedom of speech are a daily occurrence on all continents. I have chosen the image of the famous videogame Pac-Man of the 80ies. Pac-Man consists of bullet casings and chases a pencil, the instrument of writing and the symbol of the freedom of expression, and tries to eat it.
Alexander Govoni
Killed by Police
In 2014, black male teenagers between15-19, were killed nine times more by law enforcement officers in the U.S. than white males in that age range.
Simone Karl
Ironing and getting ironed
Despite great progress in equality between man and woman in everyday life a woman is often confronted and degraded in the planning of her future and career or in the family circle with outdated gender thinking.
This poster is a play on words with sexist elements that degrades a woman on the role of a housewife and a sex object. The poster “Ironing and getting ironed” is an exaggerated confrontation with the still often disparagingly rated life of a woman.
The woman irons well-behaved the laundry and indicates at the same time by her bare breasts that she can always be ironed. “Ironed” is a German dialect meaning: “Getting fucked”.
Nikodem Pregowski
»Be a hero«
Be active, be aware, be of good cheer, be kind, be ready, be smart, love other people, take on responsibility, BE A HERO!
Zoé Hall
Form Follows Function
People are reduced to superficialities, which have nothing to do with the natural course of events. The (western) beauty ideal detaches itself from the original function of the human organism. This example refers to men, but the principle obviously counts for women too.
Sonja Hilfinger
Take a Pill
This poster shows the dependence of teens and young adults to social media. Services such as Facebook, Twitter und Co. have become an addiction, and seem to be increasingly seen as a requirement to live our lives.
Carilla Karahan
Dead Flowers
What is more important: a plant or a power plant?
Reza Abedini
Unity in Diversity
Andrea Schulz & Christoph Engelhard
Where the hell
Death penalty is a controversial topic. Despite our worldwide humanist society, there are still countries that try to atone for almost medieval ways of punishment of certain crimes by the death of the accused. The question of how it can be fair to repay an injustice, such as the death of a person caused willfully by the same injustice is something unacceptable and certainly incomprehensible. We believe that with thorough and conscientious thinking, everyone should come to this conclusion. The fact that Germany is no longer in use of this inhuman punishment shouldn’t distract from the fact that many other countries are still carrying out this procedure.
Stefan Aebi
The Swiss popular initiative “Against mass immigration”, launched by the national conservative swiss peoples party, was accepted by a majority of the electorate (50,3%). It aims to limit immigration through quotas. This not only causes a loss of image, but threatens the bilateral treaties between the European Union and Switzerland. It’s a shame.
Elias Riedmann
The political dialogue in Austria is on a very poor level these days.
David Jimenez
Mut zur What
The first time I heard about the competition, I thought »Courage for what?« because I did not understand what it was about. Later when I read the details, I understood the significance of these 3 words. Sometimes we have the courage, burning inside, but we are not sure how to use that rage, we don‘t have a suitable way to express it and tend to do what the masses do. idea how cruel his short existence will be, before it ends at a fast food restaurant.
Dariush Allahyari
War Notes!
To some of the leaders of the world the idea of war is the same as the music notes which they play whenever they want without considering the consequences, and as a result, countless civilians and soldiers die without a reasonable cause!
Niklaus Troxler
Tax evasion to Switzerland
In the last few years the issue of „ tax evasion“ became a central topic in German media. On my poster text 2 letters are missing: CH – the abbreviation for Switzerland.
Jianping He
Kein Mensch
Marek Slipek
On hold
Fast internet is still wishful thinking in many rural regions of Germany. The country is known for impeding innovation and flexibility with excessive bureaucracy. On one hand, there are concerns about data security and privacy when it comes to digital solutions. On the other hand, there is a lack of suitable measures to ensure the security of citizens’ data. Furthermore, digital education is still given insufficient importance. If Germany wants to maintain its position as a leading economic nation in the digital age, it still has a lot to do.
Henning Ramke
Every museum, everywhere, all the time.
If one visits an art exhibition in 2023, one gets the impression that the majority of visitors spend their time creating a reproduction of the work with their smartphone or camera.
According to a study, visitors spend an average of 27 seconds in front of a work of art. But seeing a work of art, understanding, reflecting on it, and appreciating all the sensory perceptions that only the immediate experience can provide takes time.
Take your Time.
It’s worth it.
Tim Sonntag
Angela, the hustle is real.
It doesn’t matter if it‘s about the formation of government, another move toward police state or the amendment about same sex marriage, Angela Merkel is always up for surprises.