Timo Meyer
If it bleeds, it leads
Action und Panik haben sich im Nachrichtengeschäft schon immer am besten verkauft, ganz nach dem Motto “If it bleeds, it leads”. Was mich enorm stört, ist dabei jedoch die immer aktivere Rolle der Nachrichtensender, die sich längst nicht mehr auf die reine Berichterstattung beschränken. Statt nur zu beobachten, betätigen sie oftmals sozusagen selbst den Abzug – ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste.


Konstruktiver Wandler

Dariush Allahyari
War Notes!
To some of the leaders of the world the idea of war is the same as the music notes which they play whenever they want without considering the consequences, and as a result, countless civilians and soldiers die without a reasonable cause!

Thomas Deser
Clear Words
Unsolved Payments, which apparently nobody knows about. Corruption scandals cast a shadow over the world of soccer. My poster puts the trouble in explaining of the German Football Association in a nutshell by imitating the rhetorical skills of Franz Beckenbauer.

Anja Bartelt
Like the fish in the water we are in our safe and peaceful environment. The feeling of helplessness turns us into passive observers.

Fan Ou
Big Boss Day
March 8th is International Working Women’s Day. On this day the woman can feel as the big boss of the family. I wanted to create a humorous illustration to express the way that women stand tall for change.

Yuese Chen
Firmly oppose the dumping of Japanese nuclear waste into the Pacific Ocean
After hearing the news that “Japan is going to dump nuclear waste water into the Pacific Ocean”, I believe everyone’s mood and expression in the world are just like this poster, dazed and anxious… This expression has been integrated with the spread of nuclear waste water in the Pacific Ocean, so as to warn the whole mankind to resolutely oppose this behavior.

Grit Fiedler
Das sinkende Schiff.
Es scheint ein finanzieller Tsunami durch Europa zu brausen. Indem wir die anderen retten, versuchen wir uns selbst zu retten, um in einem aussichtslosen Versuch der Schulden Herr zu werden.

Andrea Schulz & Christoph Engelhard
Where the hell
Death penalty is a controversial topic. Despite our worldwide humanist society, there are still countries that try to atone for almost medieval ways of punishment of certain crimes by the death of the accused. The question of how it can be fair to repay an injustice, such as the death of a person caused willfully by the same injustice is something unacceptable and certainly incomprehensible. We believe that with thorough and conscientious thinking, everyone should come to this conclusion. The fact that Germany is no longer in use of this inhuman punishment shouldn’t distract from the fact that many other countries are still carrying out this procedure.

Mario Kupcevsky
Maybe it’s yourself?/(Blame Loop)
We like to blame others, but… Everyone else is poisoning the environment, but… I’m not going to stop flying log distance, drinking from plastic cups, or get rid of my car. (It’s often the right-wing that loves to place the blame on others, and get offended when their own hypocrisy is unmasked).

Till Kraschutzki
She never thought ending like this
None of them did. Trapped in a net of unscrupulous and avaricious human traffickers, all over the world hundreds of thousands women are accompanied by pain and anxiety – their whole life.

Julia Dettki
Clean-Cut Case Racism
Complexions are just colour fields, why would you get irritated by them? Why would you even segregate them or be hostile to them? Who decides from which colour field someone belongs to the good ones or the bad ones?
It is necessary to stop the segregation and bring those colours back together.

Michael Allocca
Everything legal. Everything clean.
Don´t worry. You can be sure that German authorities and agencies will pursue their work with absolute thoroughness and order. All work procedures are kept to as required, so an archiving of all files and records in an exemplary manner can be guaranteed.

David Chénière
Rugged individualism is a common disease of our time. It is bound with selfishness and has many negative consequences at all levels. Excessive self-adoration leads to ignoring each other; each individual sees its own interests without consideration of the common good, while we live in a world, in which we are increasingly interdependent on each other.
To illustrate this idea, I chose to use an iconic image of pure beauty and transformed it thoroughly in order to create something monstrous. The belly button – is the center of the individual and moving it to the center of the Venuses face expresses this imbalance called “belly button gazing”.

Anna Woelke
Go west go waste
Sei westlich – Sei verschwenderisch!
Der gedankenlose Umgang mit unserem Essen ist nicht nur ein aktueller Trend, sondern hat eine lange Tradition in unseren Breitengraden. Bereits im Barockzeitalter wurden die Menschen durch die Lebensmittelsymbolik in sogenannten »Vanitas-Stilleben« ermahnt, ihre Essensgelüste zu mäßigen. An jener Maßlosigkeit hat sich aber nicht viel geändert. Wir leben heute in einem wahren Schlaraffenland: Eine Auswahl in XXL, 24/7 verfügbar, das Beste, das Neuste, immer frisch, immer billig. Und was wir nicht aufessen können, das schmeissen wir halt weg.

Maryam Khaleghi Yazdi
Chernobyl’s Gifts
One of the most important question in the world that doesn’t have any answer is: How much does it cost to develop the world? Please see the costs at this poster and judge!

Lena Apelt
Kieler Plastik
There are millions of birds and hundreds of thousands of sea mammals dying around the world because of the waste in the oceans. A lot of animals confuse plastic particles with food and starve to death, the stomach full of plastic. For example there are 95% of fulmars dying with plastic in their stomachs (27 particles per bird).
I quote a poster from Pierre Mendell for the “Kieler Woche”, a sailing regatta and a big public festival at the German Sea. I changed the text and substituted the paper-sail by plastic-sail.

Stefan Aebi
The Swiss popular initiative “Against mass immigration”, launched by the national conservative swiss peoples party, was accepted by a majority of the electorate (50,3%). It aims to limit immigration through quotas. This not only causes a loss of image, but threatens the bilateral treaties between the European Union and Switzerland. It’s a shame.

Kleon Medugorac
Shut the fuck up!
The vulgar face and ways of Donald Trump are so ugly to watch and experience, there must be some way to make him shut up. His politics and attitude are brainless and empty.
He is a puppet of big industry. The only face that might look as hollow as Trump is the face of a rubber-sex-doll.

Tobias Röttger & Susanne Stahl
A symbol of democracy
Election ink is a semi-permanent ink that is applied to the forefinger of voters during elections in countries where identification documents for
citizens are not always standardized or institutionalized.

Laurent Schmit
A Trap into Nature
The plot of the poster is the pollution, more specifically, the car exhaust. The unique ambiguity of the (german) title leaves no doubt who the « bad guy » is.

Christopher Scott
Dead Leaf
A dead leaf in the shape of South America and the holes in the leaf represent the deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.

Marie Czeiler
Double Standard
Breasts don’t care if they belong to a woman or a man. In spite of this they are omnipresent in the sexualization of the female body. Even in the year 2017 it has not yet become common knowledge that all people have the right to self-determination and independence. And this applies to women and their breasts just as well. Equality means women have the right to make decisions over their own bodies. Feminism means women can choose – to show their breasts, or not.

Christopher Biel
By law we are free. Free to decide to accept an offer and use it or not. This freedom of use is not permitted by the GEZ, in this case we are forced to pay for something whether we use it or not.

Christain Koerbel
Reality check
Faster! When do we finally arrive?

Oleksandr Parkhomovskyy
Stop global warming
The threat of global warming is exaggerated and underestimated. This is a reminder, not to be taken too seriously, but also not to completely dismiss.

Rongxiang Lin
Help me
The poster deeply digs and creatively from the phenomenon of life, using graphics to show the last scene of people falling into the water asking for help, while the people close at hand are taking photos as a rubberneck, thus criticizing this strange phenomenon of “indifference”, hoping to wake up the people’s sense of social responsibility, and make it a social atmosphere to be brave and good.

Agnieszka Popek-Banach & Kamil Banach
Freedom of speech
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948

Javier Pérez
Domestic violence
Verbal abuse is just as harmful as the physical abuse. You have to correct children wisely and with love.