Niklaus Troxler
An open Switzerland, please!
Switzerland should open their boarders for refugees. In small letter „s.v.p.“ means in French „s’il-vous-plaît“, in English „please“. But in capitol letters, SVP stays for the Swiss right wing party SVP (Swiss Popular Party), who is against all immigration of refugees.
Yves Haltner
World Champion
The soccer World Cup ist becoming increasingly tainted by all the scandals, leaving the real celebration in the shadows. The champion are tose with wealth, who play with the world – not the ball.
Johnny Xu
The background why I created it: The most of people in the world long for a peaceful and happy life without guns and blood. But to be the different Union there are different conflicts of interest, in this situation, some super nations arbitrary interfere others. For example the Iraq War 2007 and today’s Syrian War.
Matthias Diedrichs
Pure life
Nestlé ist Branchenführer im riesigen Markt der Flaschenwasser-Hersteller. Entgegen ihrem Image als umweltbewusster und ressourcenschonender Trinkwasserversorger, kauft Nestlé Nutzungsrechte an Wasservorkommen für wenig Geld, schließt die lokale Bevölkerung vom direkten Bezug der Ressource aus ‒ nur um ihnen anschließend das selbe Wasser, verpackt in Plastikflaschen, wieder zu verkaufen.
Dies alles geschieht zudem ohne Rücksicht auf die Umwelt, Beispielsweise wenn das Unternehmen die Quellen zusätzlich anbohrt um mehr Wasser als auf dem natürlichen Wege zu gewinnen. Dabei trocknen ganzen Landstriche aus, Ernten bleiben aus, ganze Ökosysteme sterben und Quellen haben keine Zeit sich wieder zu regenerieren.
In dem Bewusstsein, dass wahrscheinlich bereits 2025 ca. 3 Milliarden Menschen unter Wassermangel leiden werden, treibt Nestlé die Privatisierung und auch Monopolisierung dieser wichtigen Ressource stetig voran. Leider wird über dieses Thema nur sehr wenig berichtet und gesprochen.
Für mein Plakat habe ich das Logo von Nestlé der Realität angepasst, und den Slogan von „Good Food, Good Life“ zu „Control Water, Control Life“ umgewandelt. Wer das Wasser kontrolliert, kontrolliert das Leben.
Niklaus Troxler
Tax evasion to Switzerland
In the last few years the issue of „ tax evasion“ became a central topic in German media. On my poster text 2 letters are missing: CH – the abbreviation for Switzerland.
Rebecca Metz
Life in cities has become a question of financial status over recent years. Rent and property prices have increased way faster than wages have. At the same time new spaces are only scarcely created. More and more people are struggling to find an adequate place to live and this fact is further creating social divide. This is a real problem of our times.
Björn Karnebogen
There is so much doping in sports and the olympic games, the iconic rings really needed a truthful redesign.
Andrea Schulz & Christoph Engelhard
Where the hell
Death penalty is a controversial topic. Despite our worldwide humanist society, there are still countries that try to atone for almost medieval ways of punishment of certain crimes by the death of the accused. The question of how it can be fair to repay an injustice, such as the death of a person caused willfully by the same injustice is something unacceptable and certainly incomprehensible. We believe that with thorough and conscientious thinking, everyone should come to this conclusion. The fact that Germany is no longer in use of this inhuman punishment shouldn’t distract from the fact that many other countries are still carrying out this procedure.
Simon Wahlers
World my ass
The use of national symbols — a tradition in need for improvement.
Mario Kupcevsky
There are so many problems in this world that need our attention and will to change. But we focus on a poor group of people fleeing violence and war, whilst our society is being dismantled by powerful interest groups and our environment is going down the drain for profit of the very same groups. We need to focus instead of listening to self-invested politicians and profit oriented media. We also tend to forget that everything is connected and all the issues can not be seen individually – but together. Most of the blurred words amongst others are direct causes for the refugees in focus.
NEU Designbüro
I know i haven’t updated in a while
This poster deals with the way we depict ourselves on social media. It exaggerates the idea of losing oneself when not online.
Deutsch name
test beitrag
Deutsch land
Finn Reimer
We are the people
This poster depicts a political slogan chanted in the Monday demonstrations in 1989/1990, as a protest against the GDR government.
Nowadays the masses have found the internet to voice protest and express their opinion. Anytime and immediately on can exert influence through online petitions, in comment sections or by hitting like buttons. The poster shows this shift in our culture of demonstration by a swarm of mouse pointers and thereby shows how a large number of individual elements can shape the public understanding.
Che Liang
1. The Tibetan antelope is facing a massacre.
2. Shotguns are the embodiment of greed and ignorance.
3. No killing, no trading.
Timo Berry
Final Disposal
Maryam Khaleghi Yazdi
Virtual World
These days parents are very busy. They are tied up at their works. So they can’t pay enough attention to their children. Kids need to play and get attention, but who can give it to them? The tired and angry parents after a hard day? No. It doesn’t sounds good. So the only one who can play with them is their computer with its exiting games and web sites. But are all of the games and websites safe for the little children? Do the parents know anything about the virtual world, in which their children drown? If just one parent could image their kid in the virtual world as this little boy watching this poster is enough.
Elmer Sosa
Water is considered a symbol of life. The waste of water reveals the danger of a total depletion of consumable water and the eventual death of mankind.
Victor Santos
Cannibal Economy
The motive: the periodical capitalist crisis dramatic shows, that for this profit economic system of the human being is disposable, the life of millions is a throwaway to “save” a tiny group of banks and companies.
Michael Kunz & Emanuel Heim
“Fisches Nachtgesang” poem by Christian Morgenstern
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Libertas, Securitas, Justitia
“Libertas, Securitas, Justitia” lautet das Motto der EU-Grenzschutzagentur Frontex.
Ihre Einsätze im Mittelmeerraum sind völkerrechtlich bedenklich und reduzieren dieses Motto auf einen einzigen Begriff:
Sicherheit um jeden Preis.
Michael Allocca
Guns don´t kill people, hoodies do
The case of Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old black teenager recently killed in Florida by George Zimmerman (an armed neighborhood watch captain) and the related comments about the dress codes of an especially black and Latin American youth illustrates how the Conservative mind in the U.S.A. works. Guns can never be the problem, so something else must be the problem.
Marie Czeiler
Double Standard
Breasts don’t care if they belong to a woman or a man. In spite of this they are omnipresent in the sexualization of the female body. Even in the year 2017 it has not yet become common knowledge that all people have the right to self-determination and independence. And this applies to women and their breasts just as well. Equality means women have the right to make decisions over their own bodies. Feminism means women can choose – to show their breasts, or not.
Vanessa Göttle
Photo with Dad
men cry,
women masturbate,
men can use makeup,
women age,
men can wear dresses,
women must not want children,
men are vulnerable,
women can get violent,
men can love men,
women can love women,
men can like pink,
women can have body hair,
men don’t have to be muscular,
women don’t have to be thin,
men don’t have to love sex,
women can be good bosses
Katja Ivanchenko
As we all are glass people already, it does’nt make a difference when we present ourselves blatantly and liberal to drones. (Irony)
Sophia Pantev
Facebook wird immer mehr zu einem festen Bestandteil alltäglicher Kommunikation, doch wird dieses soziale Netzwerk oft eher unreflektiert genutzt. Neben anderen negativen Aspekten fiel mir vor allem die dortige Definition und der Umgang mit dem Wort »friend«, also »Freund« auf. Funktioniert Facebook nicht unter anderem, wie der Name schon sagt, als »Gesicht(sammel)buch«? Wie viele Menschen in seiner Freundesliste kennt man wirklich?
Yuese Chen
Love me, set me free
Do not make meticulous care to be their cage.
Wyn Tiedmers
Swarm of Drones
In a not too distant future everybody might be a drone’s target. With countless cameras and even weapons on board a drone might be worse than any insect you´ve ever felt disturbed by.
Once they decide to attack you it will most likely be too late for a court hearing. So watch out for this dangerous man-made species as there won’t be much we can do once they´ve grown.