Ritalin is »the« trendy medication of our time, which is being prescribed way too often, in my opinion to active children in order to adjust them to common standard. In my poster, a future is shown in hyperrealistic style, where Ritalin is used as a basic ingredient in children’s nutrition products, such as the well known Swiss ice cream brand »Rakete« from Frisco (Nestlé).
As we all are glass people already, it does’nt make a difference when we present ourselves blatantly and liberal to drones. (Irony)
Trying to reach the other side of the Mediterranean Sea, hoping to find a better life, refugees often pay a high price; their own lives. They might reach another side, but a side, which does not have landing shores.
People are reduced to superficialities, which have nothing to do with the natural course of events. The (western) beauty ideal detaches itself from the original function of the human organism. This example refers to men, but the principle obviously counts for women too.
The poster is about the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. It shows its negative effects on human health.
I tried to approach the themes destruction of environment and globalization in a funny way.
The first time I heard about the competition, I thought »Courage for what?« because I did not understand what it was about. Later when I read the details, I understood the significance of these 3 words. Sometimes we have the courage, burning inside, but we are not sure how to use that rage, we don‘t have a suitable way to express it and tend to do what the masses do. idea how cruel his short existence will be, before it ends at a fast food restaurant.
Everyday the media provides information from all over the world. Whether plane crashes or breast augmentation, nothing remains unmentioned. Because of the large amount of information there is no more time to question the content. Did it really happen? Is the image real? Who wrote the article? How precise was the research? Is the statement true? We should not trust everything the media presents us.
Tens of thousands of refugees are on their dangerous journey across the Mediterranean Sea to Europe. In recent years, the number of »boat people« has increased drastically, and with it the number of drowned refugees. The »SOS« sign on the horizon of the Mediterranean Sea is a call for help and a bearer for hope at the same time and requires support.
The Age of the Selfies started long ago. Regardless of where we are or what we are doing, the only limit to seeing ourselves in our favorite pose, is the length of our own arm. Crafty inventors have become aware of this evolutionary disadvantage and developed the so-called »Selfie Stick«. It isn’t naive to imagine the suitable content, the quick-to-adapt porn industry will soon uncover for this new communication channel (just as they have done with Video, DVD, Internet, Google Glasses, etc.). Because at the end of the day, us selfie-junkies are our own private paparazzis, trying to capture our exposed selves.
In average, women are paid 22% less than men. The paper used for the poster is a German wage slip, the rest speaks for itself.
Violence generates violence, how do we stop this circulation of aggression? A man beats his wife, the son is watching, the boy grows up and now he is beating his own wife, his child is watching…the circle will repeat. We need to stop this creation of violence. It circulates shamelessly in every part of our lives. It is everywhere: in our home, school, university, workplace, on the streets, in media, movies and we cannot find a perfect solution to reduce violent crime – because the solution doesn‘t exist.
The threat of global warming is exaggerated and underestimated. This is a reminder, not to be taken too seriously, but also not to completely dismiss.
It is so comfortable to be dependent. Laziness and cowardice let people follow others’ opinions and aims. Governments or companies can use us for their benefits. The more we keep silent, the more others raise their voices. It is so uncomfortable to have an own opinion. The shame is liberated; the thoughts are covered by leaves: The poster shows the change of censorship in our society.
*»Kein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen«(literally: Not putting a leaf in front of your mouth.) means to speak out liberate, directly and shameless.
Stomach and brain are strictly connected, and every sensorial experience is assimilated and transformed into emotions by those two essential parts of our organism. For this reason, every time we feed our body we also feed our soul.
The capitalistic exploitation logic steers us increasingly destructive to the abyss of self-destruction. Modern human beings remain in an attitude of passive endurance and seemingly comfortable self-deception, when the alternative would be a necessary revolution. We remain calm as Hindu cows and operate business as usual.
In 2014, black male teenagers between15-19, were killed nine times more by law enforcement officers in the U.S. than white males in that age range.
Data theft on the Internet.
The explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power station was the worst industrial accident of any kind in history. Tens of thousands of people have died, and there is more death to come.. Nuclear power’s waste is deadly, causes cancer and genetic mutations, and there is no known way to permanently contain, dispose or neutralize it. Building more reactors simply means death.
The clean slate is filthy and oozes with guilt and pain. Europe is playing a spineless game of ignorance and refusing to help. There are no other rules to stick to, besides building the walls tall enough and decorated with wires and spikes all the way.
Each individual has the right of freedom of speech and expression. The freedom of information is the most important threat for antidemocratic regimes; hence, attacks against the freedom of speech are a daily occurrence on all continents. I have chosen the image of the famous videogame Pac-Man of the 80ies. Pac-Man consists of bullet casings and chases a pencil, the instrument of writing and the symbol of the freedom of expression, and tries to eat it.
When the guards put her suitcase through a scanner, they detected the boy curled up inside. Border officers detained the woman and, later, the child’s father at the same border crossing. The woman is married to the child’s father. A photograph taken of the scanners screen was distributed via the Associated Press and used to communicate the matter internationally. The section of the photograph containing the image of the boy was extracted, realigned, the brightness and contrast was adjusted and a color halftone filter applied.
Be active, be aware, be of good cheer, be kind, be ready, be smart, love other people, take on responsibility, BE A HERO!
In many Islamic countries women rights are suppressed, there are too many rules and they have to dress in overall burkas that look like restraining cages, exposing only eyes that resemble a small prison window revealing a trace of light. This appeal is intended to loosen the restrictions on women.
The poster is based on the element of the fist, combined with the image of China’s national leader »Xi Jinping«. Xi Jinping is like a pioneer against corruption and wants to form an honest government and thus realizes the great dream of a powerful country.
»Description? Sorry, no time!«
The weapon of the western civilization is the surveillance. Nobody is safe – anywhere.
Concerns profit, people lose.
The old saying »throwing the baby out with the bath water« describes situations in which we take much too drastic actions than necessary.