Complexions are just colour fields, why would you get irritated by them? Why would you even segregate them or be hostile to them? Who decides from which colour field someone belongs to the good ones or the bad ones?
It is necessary to stop the segregation and bring those colours back together.
Wars deprive kids of the right to learn.
Busy Bees bust their backs, we barely notice busy bees kick the bucket, we barely notice busy bees become extinct, we’ll barely notice.
There are still many harmful and carcinogenic substances, such as parabens, formaldehyde releasers (diazolidinyl-urea and imidazolidinyl), propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol (PEG) derivatives or alumninium in cosmetics. What is being advertised is care and naturalness, but in reality the products are rather natural crude oil.
In a not too distant future everybody might be a drone’s target. With countless cameras and even weapons on board a drone might be worse than any insect you´ve ever felt disturbed by.
Once they decide to attack you it will most likely be too late for a court hearing. So watch out for this dangerous man-made species as there won’t be much we can do once they´ve grown.
A mass phenomenon and at the same time the image of Western societies:
The increasing escape into virtuality, constant availability and the risk of social deformity are the negative side effects of continuous use of mobile devices in modern times.
Brainwashed, blinded and fueled by tantalizing promises, everyone could become a controllable and faceless extremist.
Behind an invisible, yet strong curtain, anything seems possible. Apparently.
Many Internet, Facebook and Twitter users are reckless and irresponsible with their personal data. The consequences are often devastating.
Solutions instead of fighting and arguing!
In this work fighting men and women are compared with poultry. Problems shouldn´t be resolved through fighting, but peaceful consultation.
Rugged individualism is a common disease of our time. It is bound with selfishness and has many negative consequences at all levels. Excessive self-adoration leads to ignoring each other; each individual sees its own interests without consideration of the common good, while we live in a world, in which we are increasingly interdependent on each other.
To illustrate this idea, I chose to use an iconic image of pure beauty and transformed it thoroughly in order to create something monstrous. The belly button – is the center of the individual and moving it to the center of the Venuses face expresses this imbalance called “belly button gazing”.
The idea was to show a positive expression of showing one’s teeth, because it needs courage to do so. Have you ever blunt your teeth on trying to achieve something? Mostly, it’s worth the effort.
Many people die each year in multiple car crashes, because the necessary driving distance is not being respected.
This poster shows the game world of a small child with the central theme of war, the Kalashnikov, build out of blocks. War is not a game and children should not be tempted to the use of weapons, either caused by media in our western culture or as child soldiers in armed conflicts.
“Fisches Nachtgesang” poem by Christian Morgenstern
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The Swiss popular initiative “Against mass immigration”, launched by the national conservative swiss peoples party, was accepted by a majority of the electorate (50,3%). It aims to limit immigration through quotas. This not only causes a loss of image, but threatens the bilateral treaties between the European Union and Switzerland. It’s a shame.
YES WE SCAN! Sounds quite right, but obviously isn’t. President Obama’s claim changed its true meaning tragically overnight, when the whistle was finally blown. Mind the Gap!
The German word “Einfalt” (Simplemindedness), which denotes a certain narrowness of mind is made up composed of the word “ein” and the word “falt”.
So far “Einfalt” – following the word origin – is just something that applies to the human behind.
My poster shows a whale being symbolically cut into pieces by sound waves.
The noise exposure under water is constantly increasing; cargo ships, navy sonar systems, the installation of offshore wind parks, ships looking for oil and gas, altogether form an immensely, continuous noise. Whales and other water creatures are losing their orientation, as they are communicating by ultrasound and their orientation is disturbed.
Hence they are driven away from reproduction and nutrition places, lose their group, some get deaf. Whole schools of whales stranded after seismic examinations and sonar experiments, used in order to find oil. The animals concerned die in a torturous way, and are finally found with internal bleedings and damaged acoustic organs at our beaches.
They tried, without any orientation, to flee from the acoustic noise surrounding them.
The character of Pinocchio, known for lying and making up stories, projected onto the Russian president Vladimir Putin.
A personality, who manages to betray the whole world. One significant example is the current crisis in the Ukraine.
A deceitful and seemingly cooperative attitude can sometimes be more violent than visible open brutality.
No comment!
This poster was designed to show the double moral in treating animals.
Kids are raised by their parents with books showing cute farm animals and happy people.
A wonderful world is presented to them, in which people and animals live in harmony.
On contrary the cute little pigs, sheep, and chicken are not given any second thought when they make it onto our bread for breakfast or into our dishes for lunch and dinner. We live in an illusion of a harmonic world created by ourselves, keeping our eyes shut for the harm that is done to animals.
After hatching, a small, innocent creature looks expectantly on his future life.
It has no idea how cruel his short existence will be, before it ends at a fast food restaurant.
Quality has it’s price. “The cheaper the better” devalues work, talent and good quality products. Food for a few cents, a shirt for 5 and a logo design for 20 Euros – predatory pricing, price dumping (and connected to that wage dumping) kills quality and businesses.
Everyone has the right to a voice. Give your opinion a “reason” to be heard. Stand to your opinion even if not everyone accepts it. Say what you think, even if censorship might prevent you from doing so.
Worldwide, more and more industrial farming is carried on. Regardless of risks to man and nature monocultures are used from genetically modified seeds. Monsanto is heavily involved in this development. The agricultural chemical company is a global leader in biotechnology and has 90% of the patents of the currently cultivated genetically modified organisms.
The poster is against animal cruelty. While the wolf stands for animals in general, the dance steps symbolize the ease and cynicism with which man is doing so.
Despite great progress in equality between man and woman in everyday life a woman is often confronted and degraded in the planning of her future and career or in the family circle with outdated gender thinking.
This poster is a play on words with sexist elements that degrades a woman on the role of a housewife and a sex object. The poster “Ironing and getting ironed” is an exaggerated confrontation with the still often disparagingly rated life of a woman.
The woman irons well-behaved the laundry and indicates at the same time by her bare breasts that she can always be ironed. “Ironed” is a German dialect meaning: “Getting fucked”.
There are millions of birds and hundreds of thousands of sea mammals dying around the world because of the waste in the oceans. A lot of animals confuse plastic particles with food and starve to death, the stomach full of plastic. For example there are 95% of fulmars dying with plastic in their stomachs (27 particles per bird).
I quote a poster from Pierre Mendell for the “Kieler Woche”, a sailing regatta and a big public festival at the German Sea. I changed the text and substituted the paper-sail by plastic-sail.
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948