Niko Singer


According to Wikipedia, there are more than 30 ongoing military conflicts all over the world – excluding riots like the current ones in Turkey. Most of the conflicts are still faded out from public attention, even though social media puts us into the position of observers and confidants.


Monika Aichele

Me and all the things I love

We create our own world.
Our little universe.
A world of self-centered individualists.


Sandra Loser


Daily, throughout the whole world, not only in India, there are crime scenes of brutal rapes.
My work calls for the observer to reflect, but still gives them the freedom to imagine the extent of the serious injuries of a rape victim.
At the same time the ever increasing red tones – the strongest being the word “rape” visualizes the damage which is irreparable.


Andrea Schulz & Christoph Engelhard

Where the hell

Death penalty is a controversial topic. Despite our worldwide humanist society, there are still countries that try to atone for almost medieval ways of punishment of certain crimes by the death of the accused. The question of how it can be fair to repay an injustice, such as the death of a person caused willfully by the same injustice is something unacceptable and certainly incomprehensible. We believe that with thorough and conscientious thinking, everyone should come to this conclusion. The fact that Germany is no longer in use of this inhuman punishment shouldn’t distract from the fact that many other countries are still carrying out this procedure.


Zhang Yong

Women’s rights violation

Women have less legal rights so they become more often victims of violence. In many countries, in many areas there are no clear laws or regulations to punish domestic violence, although it is a common problem. Domestic violence is generally regarded as a private matter not to be accepted by national jurisdictions.


Mariano Cerrella

Mass Destruction

The industry entertainment is functional to the industry of death. This poster attempts to denounce the frivolity of human pain, the human misery commercialized as mass entertainment.


Designbüro Frankfurt


Groceries in Germany are too cheap (especially compared to other countries), still too many people complain about the prizes.
– Say nein! to ja!


Vincenzo Fagnani

The capital

The end of an era narrated through the fall of a vincible superhero.
An icon of the 20th century showing his visual strength for the last time before the crash.
A logo immortalized in the moment, this means changes.


Michael Allocca

Everything legal. Everything clean.

Don´t worry. You can be sure that German authorities and agencies will pursue their work with absolute thoroughness and order. All work procedures are kept to as required, so an archiving of all files and records in an exemplary manner can be guaranteed.


Damla Polat

Plastic Ocean

Global disaster made by mankind.


Philipp Möckli

Homo Pharmacon

In our society pharmaceuticals are taken for granted and therefore consumed thoughtlessly. We should give more thought to their effect on society and our own quality of life. Do we really want to get older and older? The poster is also an allusion to Niklaus Stoecklins poster for Gaba in 1927.


Jasper Eisenecker

No more forest

Before you criticize others, start with yourself: Germany is Europe´s number one in annual paper consumption.
I love posters but also for posters trees get cut down.


Daniel Kreutz

Olympics – Only authentic with rings!

Wrestling belongs to the Olympic Games, as the rings to the Olympic symbol.


Truely He

Transgenetic Wheat

Has genetically modified food already shown up in your daily life? Are you enjoying horrible genetically modified food right now?
I do not believe that genetically modified technology can be perfect. Many examples are proving that our health is being threatened by the variations of plants’ DNA. Therefore, let’s pay close attention to the GM food around the world.


Till Hohmann

Une Vache?

Look fast, think fast, eat fast, live fast and die fast.


Maryam Khaleghi Yazdi

The new meaning of help

These days the meaning of help is changing in social and political fields. So you cannot rely on people. When you ask someone for help, you will often not get help without giving something in return. People want to achieve their own targets with their help or harm you.


Tobias Röttger, Susanne Stahl & Bernhard Schmitt


How can you seriously be upset about ingredients in food, if you are not willing to pay a fair price for it?


Dominic Achilles

Big Brother is watching You

Do you really want to live in a surveillance state, giving up your privacy and freedom for pretended temporary security?


Nevin Goetschmann

Achievment over life

The Japanese even have a name for it: Karojisatsu, suicide from overwork. A society that places achievement over the human being isn‘t only the reality in Japan. Even though we have no word for it yet, we need to change something. Otherwise we will need one very soon. I demand: Let’s distance ourselves from the pressure of achievement, back to more quality of life.


Dominik Schumacher

The bloated

To grin and bear it.


Christopher Biel


By law we are free. Free to decide to accept an offer and use it or not. This freedom of use is not permitted by the GEZ, in this case we are forced to pay for something whether we use it or not.


Jouri Toreev


You are living among people. Does it hurt you when you are not accepted for who you are? Each of us can become a victim of intolerant attitude. Check your life by asking yourself a question: Do you harm other people or make them feel uncomfortable?


Andrea Schulz & Christoph Engelhard

Pay raise

Despite the social consensus for equality between women and men, the actual gender equality has still not really been enforced. There are many hidden and rather inconspicuous scenarios of gender discrimination, but one of the most obvious injustices is the difference in payment between men and women engaged in the same occupation. And this is only influenced by a small physical difference. And even more important: it doesn´t have any affect on the performance in any way. It´s just ridiculous, that´s why we want to put things right with this poster!


Kai Bergmann

All a lie

The Poster has two levels of meaning:
A direct one – when the poster – surrounded by advertising messages – sticks on a billboard.
And an epistemological one – on the critical definition of the objectivity of the »Radical Constructivism«.
But a good poster explains itself.


Florian Sommer

The state poster

An attempt to show the absurdity of government supervision with simple and minimal resources, and an appeal to everyone to rebel against it.


Javier Pérez

The cruelty of female genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation is a terrible situation for women, especially in Africa.
In this procedure knifes, razors or scissors are used.


Andreas Golde

Fiscal Compact

Is it about the currency or the human?


Niklaus Troxler

Tax evasion to Switzerland

In the last few years the issue of „ tax evasion“ became a central topic in German media. On my poster text 2 letters are missing: CH – the abbreviation for Switzerland.


Tobias Röttger & Susanne Stahl

A symbol of democracy

Election ink is a semi-permanent ink that is applied to the forefinger of voters during elections in countries where identification documents for
citizens are not always standardized or institutionalized.


Marula Di Como & Florencia Young

Jobs for migrants

Making pictograms visible in urban areas of feelings and thoughts of those who left their home countries and live in a new country is the aim of migrantas. Key elements and similarities between the experiences of migration are emerging after a careful analysis of drawings from various workshops. The central motifs are graphically and artistically implemented by migrantas in pictograms – a visual, understandable language for all.
