Leander Eisenmann

So true…!

Donald Trump is incessantly scattering messages around the globe – only a small part of which are true.

Caution is advised here, as lies are greedy and love to devour those who feed them.


Simon Wahlers

World my ass

The use of national symbols — a tradition in need for improvement.


Philipp Niemeyer

I can´t see you anymore

Cities all over the world are becoming more and more invisible. They become invisible because of the smog we create to reach ever higher goals. But the smog destroys the basis of living and everything gets ugly and we grow ill – until we can’t see each other anymore.


Fan Ou

Big Boss Day

March 8th is International Working Women’s Day. On this day the woman can feel as the big boss of the family. I wanted to create a humorous illustration to express the way that women stand tall for change.


Annika Hänni

We Will Grill A Ball

No description!




Leos Olpp

Letter to the bees

If we can’t keep the bees we will lose our ecosystem. So please, don’t let them leave because of us.


Miguel Angel Rangel


This poster was made to talk about the absence of opinion and judgment of the people. The crisis of identity when a person just repeats and follows directions without a real personal point of view. We can see this in current social and political movements, which people blindly follow because this is the “correct form” but don’t really question anything.


Lex Drewisnki


A poster dealing with the rising brutality of the police force.


Max Hathaway


Do what you want, devil may care, other people are none of my business.


Julius Voigtländer

Moderate Rebels

This quick sketch (originally drawn on a sticky note) is an ironical approach to clarify the paradox and misleading term “moderate rebels“. A disguised person sits in front of a TV. Holding a rifle in one hand and a TV remote in the other one. This guy does not seem to be in the mood for a rebellion. His dullness is emphasized by the words „Heute kein Bock!“ (engl. “Not Today!“).


Johanna Daum

True story, I’m sorry!

Oh you, United States of America… A country that became famous for the words, “I have a dream” and “yes we can” quickly downgraded with the words “grab them by the pussy”. An aggressive, overcooked wiener with an awful toupet, not only managed to go from asshole to millionaire, but trumped everybody’s fears and somehow became president of the United States. People don’t even bother to see if the news is fake or real anymore.

I, Johanna Daum, am pissed! It pisses me off that an orange bully gets to spread racism, sexism, and hate with no consequences and even gets applauded by some for it. This is a true story kids and I am so very sorry. The sad truth happened just as this photo, suddenly out of nowhere and unwelcomed, while grilling by the Rhein this photo was taken on my iPhone. Afterwards slightly cropped and aligned, photoshop can stay in bed..

Oh you United States of America how you make my ass crack itch when I think of you!


Dariush Allahyari

Exhausting Breath

Although we are all aware of the excessive pollution that we face in urban areas, we have, so far, been unable to find a solution for our rising problem. That being said, we seem to be okay with the current situation, as if pollution has become a part of our everyday livelihood and with every breath it consumes us even more.


Bartholomäus Zientek

Listen Son

The menu of the media. (Recap of last years most notable issues as a single headline)


Piotr Depta-Kleśta

Ecce Homo

This poster is a commentary on the condition of the modern human. We are so very virtual.


Florian Anhorn

Mach was dich kaputt macht

How normal is the norm, and since when? Being sure of something and completely ignoring the fact seems to have become an everyday thing in these time.



Elmer Sosa


Water is considered a symbol of life. The waste of water reveals the danger of a total depletion of consumable water and the eventual death of mankind.


Finn Reimer

We are the people

This poster depicts a political slogan chanted in the Monday demonstrations in 1989/1990, as a protest against the GDR government.

Nowadays the masses have found the internet to voice protest and express their opinion. Anytime and immediately on can exert influence through online petitions, in comment sections or by hitting like buttons. The poster shows this shift in our culture of demonstration by a swarm of mouse pointers and thereby shows how a large number of individual elements can shape the public understanding.


David Benski


When you are working in the creative industry for example, you probably love what you do. Being busy with your work all the time seems almost natural. The Poster is a little reminder that there are still other worlds you can enter.

One of Yoko Ono’s tips for self-care: Look at a screen and record its feelings. Stop working when the earth or the laptop gets too hot.


Niels Vrijdag


Donald Trump spent more than a year rousing crowds with a simple promise: “I’ll build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Since the “bad hombres” were entering the United States and not leaving, Trump deemed it appropriate that Mexico would pay for this wall.

With a simple adjustment to the American flag I made this poster which depicts Trumps ultimate monument to xenophobia.


Felix Kosok

Content Is Missing

Donald and I designed this poster together. He is a big fan of my work. We did a tremendous job. Tremendous. The design is really great. We made graphic design great again. Afterwards we played some Golf and ate Chocolate cake. It was a beautiful piece of chocolate cake, I can tell you that.


Stefan Neubauer


Hungary, Great Britain, France, USA, … The rise of populist politicians and parties is increasing worldwide. Time to hold a mirror up to the protagonists and supporters. Translation: Populisten – german for „populists“ / Popo – german for „bum“)


NEU Designbüro

I know i haven’t updated in a while

This poster deals with the way we depict ourselves on social media. It exaggerates the idea of losing oneself when not online.


Markus Stumpf

How did you find this poster?

A poster, on a wall, in a city somewhere. A JPG, embedded on a website, somewhere online. A chance encounter – or predestined by the mathematic codes that create our personalized worlds on facebook, google and so forth?


Leander Eisenmann

Truth Eclipse

Donald Trump darkens the truth by misusing it, piece by piece. In the end, even the shadows lie.


Björn Karnebogen

The Truth About Nuclear Power

No. Thanks.


Marie Czeiler

Double Standard

Breasts don’t care if they belong to a woman or a man. In spite of this they are omnipresent in the sexualization of the female body. Even in the year 2017 it has not yet become common knowledge that all people have the right to self-determination and independence. And this applies to women and their breasts just as well. Equality means women have the right to make decisions over their own bodies. Feminism means women can choose – to show their breasts, or not.


Julia Löffler


In Turkey activists and journalists are arrested and silenced.


Jakob Kornelli

Form Phallus Function

Form Phallus Function is more than a pun – it points out and criticizes that architecture and design have been a male domain since ever. Simplicity in color and shape, inspired by the iconic bauhaus designs, hit the nail on the head and – in a charming and humorous manner – ridicule this ever lasting motto in design. Less women are never more!


Martin Rybacki


A person is noticibly nervous and even frightened by what reveals itself on the table after the package is opened – the person is frightened so much that he or she almost does not dare to look at it.

My idea deals with the individual and his or her fear and unwillingness to accept personal responsibility for the (often brutal) truth in his or her own life. The opportunity to bear this responsibility reveals itself not only in difficult situations but also in seemingly trivial ones. I believe that avoiding your responsibility for the truth has severe individual and global consequences.


Björn Karnebogen


There is so much doping in sports and the olympic games, the iconic rings really needed a truthful redesign.
