Anna Woelke

Go west go waste

Sei westlich – Sei verschwenderisch! 
Der gedankenlose Umgang mit unserem Essen ist nicht nur ein aktueller Trend, sondern hat eine lange Tradition in unseren Breitengraden. Bereits im Barockzeitalter wurden die Menschen durch die Lebensmittelsymbolik in sogenannten »Vanitas-Stilleben« ermahnt, ihre Essensgelüste zu mäßigen. An jener Maßlosigkeit hat sich aber nicht viel geändert. Wir leben heute in einem wahren Schlaraffenland: Eine Auswahl in XXL, 24/7 verfügbar, das Beste, das Neuste, immer frisch, immer billig. Und was wir nicht aufessen können, das schmeissen wir halt weg.


Julia Dettki

Clean-Cut Case Racism

Complexions are just colour fields, why would you get irritated by them? Why would you even segregate them or be hostile to them? Who decides from which colour field someone belongs to the good ones or the bad ones?
It is necessary to stop the segregation and bring those colours back together.


Agnieszka Ziemiszewska

Political Views

No comment!


Sebastian Iwohn


Don´t be careless – be careful!


Moises Romero

Education for all

We need to find solutions for making sure that no children are excluded from schooling, educative systems, poverty alleviation, human rights.


Lilly Urbat


The poster is about the connection between education and democracy. A fair world is only possible if all people are responsible and capable of understanding and producing content matter. No one may be left out.


Lex Drewinski

No title

The poster is against animal cruelty. While the wolf stands for animals in general, the dance steps symbolize the ease and cynicism with which man is doing so.


Julien Joliat


„Love your neighbor“ seems to have another meaning


Till Kraschutzki

Simplemindedness is for the butt

The German word “Einfalt” (Simplemindedness), which denotes a certain narrowness of mind is made up composed of the word “ein” and the word “falt”.
So far “Einfalt” – following the word origin – is just something that applies to the human behind.


Fabian Krauss

72 virgins

Brainwashed, blinded and fueled by tantalizing promises, everyone could become a controllable and faceless extremist.


Michael Allocca

Everything legal. Everything clean.

Don´t worry. You can be sure that German authorities and agencies will pursue their work with absolute thoroughness and order. All work procedures are kept to as required, so an archiving of all files and records in an exemplary manner can be guaranteed.


Nam Hoang-Golz

Not always a game

This poster shows the game world of a small child with the central theme of war, the Kalashnikov, build out of blocks. War is not a game and children should not be tempted to the use of weapons, either caused by media in our western culture or as child soldiers in armed conflicts.


Javier Pérez

The cruelty of female genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation is a terrible situation for women, especially in Africa.
In this procedure knifes, razors or scissors are used.


Truely He

Transgenetic Wheat

Has genetically modified food already shown up in your daily life? Are you enjoying horrible genetically modified food right now?
I do not believe that genetically modified technology can be perfect. Many examples are proving that our health is being threatened by the variations of plants’ DNA. Therefore, let’s pay close attention to the GM food around the world.


Fabiola Vera


Hunger is a social problem that exists throughout the world, physically and mentally.  Mankind not only needs money to live, you need it for food, to survive, to feed the soul of motivation and to succeed. You need food to protect your family from disease. Without food mankind has no sense to survive in this globalized world of the wealthy.


Claudia Wieczorek

Deadly waves

My poster shows a whale being symbolically cut into pieces by sound waves.
The noise exposure under water is constantly increasing; cargo ships, navy sonar systems, the installation of offshore wind parks, ships looking for oil and gas, altogether form an immensely, continuous noise.  Whales and other water creatures are losing their orientation, as they are communicating by ultrasound and their orientation is disturbed.
Hence they are driven away from reproduction and nutrition places, lose their group, some get deaf. Whole schools of whales stranded after seismic examinations and sonar experiments, used in order to find oil. The animals concerned die in a torturous way, and are finally found with internal bleedings and damaged acoustic organs at our beaches.
They tried, without any orientation, to flee from the acoustic noise surrounding them.


Agnieszka Popek-Banach & Kamil Banach

Freedom of speech

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948


Simone Karl

Ironing and getting ironed

Despite great progress in equality between man and woman in everyday life a woman is often confronted and degraded in the planning of her future and career or in the family circle with outdated gender thinking.
This poster is a play on words with sexist elements that degrades a woman on the role of a housewife and a sex object. The poster “Ironing and getting ironed” is an exaggerated confrontation with the still often disparagingly rated life of a woman.
The woman irons well-behaved the laundry and indicates at the same time by her bare breasts that she can always be ironed. “Ironed” is a German dialect meaning: “Getting fucked”.


David Chénière


Rugged individualism is a common disease of our time. It is bound with selfishness and has many negative consequences at all levels. Excessive self-adoration leads to ignoring each other; each individual sees its own interests without consideration of the common good, while we live in a world, in which we are increasingly interdependent on each other.
To illustrate this idea, I chose to use an iconic image of pure beauty and transformed it thoroughly in order to create something monstrous. The belly button – is the center of the individual and moving it to the center of the Venuses face expresses this imbalance called “belly button gazing”.


Si In Lo

Fair Treatment

The right to be treated fairly by people who are in all positions of authority, even any gender is needed to be respect.


Uli Schoedel

Artgerechte Haltung

Ach wie schön ist doch die Freiheit
im selbst gewählten Käfig.


Barbara Grobe

Ai WeiWhy

Ai Weiwei ist nicht nur ein kritischer Künstler, sondern in erster Linie ein Mensch. Wie kann es sein, dass ein Mensch ohne Anklage von einem Tag auf den Anderen von seiner Regierung verhaftet bzw. entführt wird? Warum erfahren wir nichts über seinen Aufenthaltsort? Warum werden fadenscheinige Gründe für seine Verhaftung angeführt? Mit meiner Arbeit möchte ich auf Willkür und Zensur gegenüber kritischen Menschen in China aufmerksam machen.


Dominik Schumacher

The bloated

To grin and bear it.


Antonio de Oliveira Netto

Death Blow

This poster reflects our neglect with the planet present situation, the unnecessary excessive pollution that we generate and the direction we are taking.


Kai-Uwe Niephaus


Behind an invisible, yet strong curtain, anything seems possible.  Apparently.


Daniel Kreutz

Olympics – Only authentic with rings!

Wrestling belongs to the Olympic Games, as the rings to the Olympic symbol.


Martin Wundsam


Unter Verwendung eines heute doppeldeutig klingenden Meisner-Zitates aus den jährlichen Soldatengottesdiensten im Kölner Dom wird die Sakralisierung des modernen Kriegsapparates und zugleich die sexualisierte Gewalt in der Kirche ins Bild gesetzt. Erst ein genauer Blick – etwa auf den Verlauf der Soutanenknöpfe – erschließt die Abgründe der Bildmitte. Der priesterliche Amtsträger selbst ist gesichtslos, auf dem Hintergrund der liturgischen Farbe der Bußzeit dominiert ein Schwarz ohne Zukunft.


Payam Abdolsamadi

United colors of iranian women

Iranian women are forced to wear veil which should be cover the hair and body. When a person doesn’t have minimum of liberty to choose her dress, how could she be a dynamic person?This person with a such a black background couldn’t be effective in the social,economical,political,arenas of her life.But our Iranian women don’t desist from the struggle-our coloured revolution fight without violence.


Michelle Flunger

Stop Female Genital Mutilation

The topic of my poster “Stop Female Genital Mutilation” is a much discussed theme in the human rights debate, nevertheless, most people do not know what exactly happens during the procedure and how cruel it actually is. This is what I tried to communicate with my motive, while displaying the shape of the female sex the poster gives brutal information in short and direct sentences. The font I used is called “Thorn” and has been designed by Hubert Jocham and is just the right font to emphasize the brutality of the procedure. FGM is, although it is a serious violation of the human rights, carried out in many regions, among them western countries (up to 500000 girls and women living in the European Union are affected or threatened by FGM). Just recently illegal procedures in South Africa (which is not even on the list of countries where FGM is practiced) have been discovered. After the terrible circumcision, these girls are branded with a mark on their thighs as evidence of having attended the procedure. We all need to raise awareness, Stop FGM Now!


Jasper Eisenecker

No more forest

Before you criticize others, start with yourself: Germany is Europe´s number one in annual paper consumption.
I love posters but also for posters trees get cut down.
