Klara Forner

(K)ein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen. *

It is so comfortable to be dependent. Laziness and cowardice let people follow others’ opinions and aims. Governments or companies can use us for their benefits. The more we keep silent, the more others raise their voices. It is so uncomfortable to have an own opinion. The shame is liberated; the thoughts are covered by leaves: The poster shows the change of censorship in our society.

*»Kein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen«(literally: Not putting a leaf in front of your mouth.) means to speak out liberate, directly and shameless.


Katja Ivanchenko


As we all are glass people already, it does’nt make a difference when we present ourselves blatantly and liberal to drones. (Irony)


Till Hohmann

Une Vache?

Look fast, think fast, eat fast, live fast and die fast.


Reza Abedini

Unity in Diversity


Rahul Nair


Every day we have to make many decisions of varying importance. Thanks to e-mail and social media, we are flooded with information and a multitude of more choices. So how can we make the best decision? Do we have the courage to commit ourselves to a decision? Or should we postpone, or even just ignore it? Perhaps with a self-justification that ‘maybe’ a better choice may present itself in the future? This solution seems simple enough for us but yields no added value to the people affected, or does it? For my part I can say that it even pisses me off major league. A ‘maybe’ in itself is not evil and often essential. But it has mutated into a state of mind and a justification towards inaction. Beyond a doubt, this is dangerous. So snap out of lethargy and indifference, make a stand for things that matter and start committing yourselves to your convictions.


Markus Stumpf

How did you find this poster?

A poster, on a wall, in a city somewhere. A JPG, embedded on a website, somewhere online. A chance encounter – or predestined by the mathematic codes that create our personalized worlds on facebook, google and so forth?


Philipp Möckli

Homo Pharmacon

In our society pharmaceuticals are taken for granted and therefore consumed thoughtlessly. We should give more thought to their effect on society and our own quality of life. Do we really want to get older and older? The poster is also an allusion to Niklaus Stoecklins poster for Gaba in 1927.


Niels Vrijdag


Donald Trump spent more than a year rousing crowds with a simple promise: “I’ll build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Since the “bad hombres” were entering the United States and not leaving, Trump deemed it appropriate that Mexico would pay for this wall.

With a simple adjustment to the American flag I made this poster which depicts Trumps ultimate monument to xenophobia.


Peng Jun

Iron-Fisted Rule

The poster is based on the element of the fist, combined with the image of China’s national leader »Xi Jinping«. Xi Jinping is like a pioneer against corruption and wants to form an honest government and thus realizes the great dream of a powerful country.


Yumeng Yan

Protect the forest

Over cutting of human beings will eventually lead to the disappearance of forests.


Jessica Hörmann

German values

“Unity and justice and freedom” – in a country where individual profit comes first, the corresponding passage in the national anthem should be adjusted.


Nikodem Pregowski

»Be a hero«

Be active, be aware, be of good cheer, be kind, be ready, be smart, love other people, take on responsibility, BE A HERO!


Martin Rybacki


A person is noticibly nervous and even frightened by what reveals itself on the table after the package is opened – the person is frightened so much that he or she almost does not dare to look at it.

My idea deals with the individual and his or her fear and unwillingness to accept personal responsibility for the (often brutal) truth in his or her own life. The opportunity to bear this responsibility reveals itself not only in difficult situations but also in seemingly trivial ones. I believe that avoiding your responsibility for the truth has severe individual and global consequences.


Delin Zeng


Peace has been threatened by war, there is no peace under war.


Julien Joliat


„Love your neighbor“ seems to have another meaning


Leander Eisenmann

Truth Eclipse

Donald Trump darkens the truth by misusing it, piece by piece. In the end, even the shadows lie.


Lynn Lehmann & Dennis Gärtner

No Borders

The EU includes some of the wealthiest countries in the world and possesses abundant resources, knowledge, and prosperity. We consider ourselves democratic societies that uphold values such as human dignity, freedom, and equality. It is therefore our responsibility to devise improved solutions instead of resorting to aggressive push-backs at Europe’s external borders or mass accommodation in camps with inhumane living conditions. The right to live in a safe country should not be viewed as a privilege but as a fundamental human right.


Łukasz Chmielewski

Mommy, look!

Our knowledge is strictly defined by our education. If it is poor or based on stereotypes or dogmas we see the world around in a very restricted and simple way. The less you know, the less you see. Simple relations, simple solutions, simple goals. Sometimes the poorness of the mind is taken as a childish attitude. On the other hand childish way of understanding, the clean and uncontaminated perspective can possibly reveal obviousness of our mistakes and ambiguity of reality.

This poster can be regarded as ecological at first glance. The observer is a child and was told that trees are big and grow outside…

Nevertheless my aim was to go beyond ecology and show that something is really wrong in a much wider context. The real question is: Is the world we live in really the one we want to leave our children? The proper heritage to pass on…


Chris Chew

Fuck the Wage Gap

In 2015, women in the United States were paid roughly 79¢ for every dollar men were. While this image depicts one regional statistic, the broader objective is to call attention to the myriad injustices faced predominantly by women in the workforce. In addition to unequal pay, issues like sexual harassment, biased dress codes, and lack of paid and/or adequate family leave continue to plague workers throughout much of the world.


Teresa Sdralevich


Pacifists face a complex dilemma in dramatic situations like the war in Ukraine. Si vis pacem, para bellum (“if you want peace get ready for war”) or Si vis pacem para pacem?


Tobias Röttger, Susanne Stahl & Bernhard Schmitt


How can you seriously be upset about ingredients in food, if you are not willing to pay a fair price for it?


Martina Windrich

Drowning in Plastic

The increasing amount of plastic in our oceans changes the life of millions of sea creatures. They are literally drowning in plastic. Therefore, this idea raises the question how long it may take until this flood of plastic will be washed to our shores and drown humanity? Do not ignore the threats of plastic for our planet just because you do not see it.


Peer Hempel


Right-wing populist parties in Europe have been gaining strength for years. Simple answers to complex questions turn them into stars of the modern age. This poster is an appeal: Don’t trust anyone blindly!


Henrik Tersteegen

»Modus Operandi«

The capitalistic exploitation logic steers us increasingly destructive to the abyss of self-destruction. Modern human beings remain in an attitude of passive endurance and seemingly comfortable self-deception, when the alternative would be a necessary revolution. We remain calm as Hindu cows and operate business as usual.


Felix Kosok

Just A Game

Unerringly like a striker is chasing the ball, the big business that is the driving force behind world’s soccer is hit by one scandal after the other. But time and time again there is only the yellow penalty card for the ones responsible. The spectators as well as the players are to tacit complicity. It’s time for a dismissal!


Linnéa Logge

Consumption – coping mechanism for inner emptiness

We‘re consuming non-stop. Only because we have the possibility to.
Instead of grappling with our discontentedness we buy stuff that we don‘t even need.
We consume to compensate the condition of feeling empty.
The use of stained and strong colours call the viewers attention.
On the first sight it seems amusing and fun to spot more and more things.
After a while the overfill starts to produce overstimulation in order to thought-provoking.


Lena Thomaka


Worldwide, more and more industrial farming is carried on. Regardless of risks to man and nature monocultures are used from genetically modified seeds. Monsanto is heavily involved in this development. The agricultural chemical company is a global leader in biotechnology and has 90% of the patents of the currently cultivated genetically modified organisms.


Özhan Yurtseven


Fake news is being a puppet of an unkown.


Javier Pérez

The cruelty of female genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation is a terrible situation for women, especially in Africa.
In this procedure knifes, razors or scissors are used.


Sebastian Iwohn


Don´t be careless – be careful!
